Cryptocurrency News

Andreessen Horowitz Organizes A Meeting Of Regulators With Representatives Of The Crypto Industry

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American VC firm Andreessen Horowitz held a private meeting with representatives of US regulatory authorities. This was aimed to demonstrate the prospects and potential of cryptocurrencies, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Note, that the event took place in May, but it became known about it only now. The representatives of the US Treasury, SEC, CFTC, as well as cryptocurrency companies invested by Andreessen Horowitz, were among the participants of the event.

The co-founder of the venture capital company Mark Andreessen tried to convince the authorities to ease the regulatory pressure on the cryptocurrency industry. According to him, this can help strengthen security in the Internet environment.

Although, regulators still do not intend to deviate from their plans to develop clear regulatory rules for the crypto industry. Thus, the representative of the US Treasury noted that the requirements to combat money laundering in this area are still not properly observed.

Note, even though the participants in the event did not come to any clear agreements or compromises, the very fact of a meeting of representatives of the highest regulatory authorities of the United States and cryptocurrency companies is a very important step for further interaction between authorities and the industry.

Recall that Andreessen Horowitz was founded in June 2009, and last year the company launched a blockchain-oriented fund with assets of $ 300 million.



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