Cryptocurrency News

Ethereum Foundation Calls $ 2 Million Grant Recipients To Launch The Second Version Of The Platform

ethereum 2.0

Over $ 2 million in various grants has been unveiled in recent months to prepare for the launch of Ethereum 2.0, the Ethereum Foundation said in a statement released Monday, August 26.

The team unveiled grants to develop leading Ethereum customers who are currently busy working on test networks supporting multiple clients. The development of Ethereum 2.0 itself, as noted, is approaching the “zero phase”.

The following teams became recipients of grants:

  • Harmony – $ 189,000 to develop the Beacon Chain;
  • Prysmatic Labs – $ 725,000 to develop a Prysm client;
  • Sigma Prime – $ 485,000 (with ConsenSys) for the development of the Lighthouse client;
  • Status – $ 500,000 for the development of the Nimbus client and $ 150,000 (together with ConsenSys) for the development of nim-libp2p;
  • Whiteblock – $ 184,000 (with ConsenSys) to test the Ethereum 2.0 network and develop interoperability solutions;
  • Dmitry Khovratovich – $ 10,000 for compiling a Legendre PRF security report and creating a Proof-of-Custody scheme for the first phase of Ethereum 2.0;
  • Chainsafe – $ 217,500 for developing the Lodestar lightweight client and providing Javascript support in Ethereum 2.0.

The Ethereum Foundation also offers 5 ETH bounty awards for any recommendations, bug fixes, and optimizations that will be included in the Ethereum 2.0 phase zero specifications before the release of the genesis block of the new network.

Recall that in May this year, the Ethereum Foundation said it would allocate $ 30 million this year for the development of key ecosystem projects. Of these, $ 19 million will go to the “ethereum of the future” (Ethereum 2.0), $ 8 million to maintain the “ethereum of the present”, and another $ 3 million to attract developers.



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