Cryptocurrency News

New Waste Coin Introduced by Argentina to Reward for Efficient Waste Management

During a meeting on Aug 19, 2019, The Ministry of Industry in the Argentine province of Misiones announced that they will soon reward the citizens with the brand new cryptocurrency for proper waste management. This  “missionary cryptocurrency” will be given as a reward for Hive Project.

JellyCoin, the new waste coin will be given to the citizens who will participate in processing urban waste management. This complementary cryptocurrency is built on Blockchain technology that offers a decentralized, open and transparent management system, providing a high level of security, allows access to information and at the same time audit it.

The Minister of Industry, Eng. Luis Lichowski and the cabinet coordinator, Fernando Arias, together with Gabriel Gortari of the Foundation for Collaborative Development and Iván Zubilewicz, co-founder of the Foundation for Collaborative Development and the specialist in economics, Sebastián Valdecantos, agreed to begin analyzing the application of the Colmena project as a collaborative waste management model.

Iván Zubilewicz explained that the participating residents will be categorized into two section-Waste Producer and Waste Collector. The producer will upload all the necessary details regarding the waste that they are throwing into the jelly network. The network will then help the producer to connect with the collector, who will separate items based on their material type, It will then be delivered to the generators who process the waste at designated locations.

The Ministry is also looking forward that this initiative will not only provide benefit to the residents but will also create awareness among them regarding household waste.

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