Bitcoin Cash News

PR: Australian Bitcoin Cash Conference Brings Cryptocurrency Leaders to Townsville

Global leaders from the Bitcoin Cash community will gather at the first Bitcoin Cash City Conference in Australia, being held in Townsville on September 4 & 5.

Townsville has really embraced Bitcoin Cash, so hosting this conference in the cozy, coastal suburb was a natural next step. Australia’s first gathering of enthusiasts and global business leaders will convene to use the low-cost, friction-less payment system and digital money, while enjoying the region’s temperate climate and many attractions.

Bitcoin Cash has caught-on among merchants in Townsville, mostly because it enables anybody to move any amount of money anywhere in the world: instantly, securely, and consistently, with fees less than a cent. Essentially, Bitcoin Cash does away with banks and puts users in full control of their money. According to locals, merchants are taking up Bitcoin Cash because it competes with Visa and Mastercard, eliminating fees and giving them an extra three percent on all payments. Local enthusiasm for the cryptocurrency has made Townsville a hotbed of Bitcoin Cash activity: many Townsville businesses from coffee shop owners to helicopter operators now accept Bitcoin Cash as payment for goods and services, via a smartphone app.

Noel Lovisa, CEO of Townsville-based software company Code Valley explained, “Townsville enjoys the highest per capita merchant adoption of Bitcoin Cash in the world. The North Queensland Bitcoin Cash Merchants’ Group leveraged that to secure the Bitcoin Cash City Conference.” Townsville has become known as “Bitcoin Cash City,” and so the conference naturally takes advantage of such notoriety. North Queensland has also quietly founded nearly a dozen Bitcoin Cash-related software companies, several attracting venture capital in the millions.

Lovisa continued, “We’ve got 20 top international Bitcoin Cash speakers coming to this conference. The number one speaker, Amaury Séchet, helped write the original Bitcoin Cash client known as Bitcoin ABC, successfully upgrading Bitcoin to scale on-chain. That was the genesis of getting the original Bitcoin mission back on track after it was derailed.”

Hayden Otto, CEO of Townsville-based stressed a key difference in this first-of-its-kind conference for Australia. “Bitcoin Cash is so popular in Townsville that conference delegates will be able to pay with it for everything they need during their stay,” Otto insisted. “In addition to flights, accommodation, car rental and tourism activities, you can get all your food, drink and even pay for your laundry with Bitcoin Cash.”

He says the Bitcoin Cash City Conference presents a unique opportunity for Australians to discover the potential of cryptocurrency. “I want to personally invite you to the world’s premiere Bitcoin event. Bitcoin is peer-to-peer electronic cash that’s paving the way for financial sovereignty and greater economic freedom for people of all walks of life. Not everyone understands this, but we’re bringing together all those who do for an unparalleled conference which won’t be forgotten.”

Through a free wallet app, attendees can navigate the brave new world of cryptocurrency while learning more from guest speakers such as developers, legal experts, and entrepreneurs active in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

Noel adopted Bitcoin Cash initially to solve a problem for Code Valley’s emergent coding project. “We’ve created a new technology for producing software by combining tiny fragments from around the world. Bitcoin Cash enables me to send a million dollars or as little as 20 cents to somebody in another country with it clearing instantly for a tenth of a penny. I can operate in 150 countries without needing to support 150 currencies,” he recalls. “There is also a roadmap of regular upgrades to meet demand so Bitcoin Cash is very reliable. And it’s hassle-free because there is no central point of authority. Bitcoin Cash is going to be the world’s number one cryptocurrency. Come along to the conference to find out why.”

The Bitcoin Cash City Conference will be held on September 4 and 5 at Quayside Terminal, Lennon Drive, South Townsville, Queensland.

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Tags in this story
accommodation, adoption, Amaury Séchet, bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Cash City, Bitcoin Cash City Conference, Code Valley, Coffee Shop, Developers, drink, Flights, Food, goods, helicopter operators, legal experts, MasterCard, Noel Lovisa, North Queensland, payment, Quayside Terminal, Services, Townsville, Venture Capital, VISA PR is your premier source for everything Bitcoin-related. We can help you buy bitcoins and choose a bitcoin wallet. You can also read the latest news, or engage with the community on our Bitcoin Forum. Please keep in mind that this is a commercial website that lists wallets, exchanges and other Bitcoin-related companies.

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