Cryptocurrency News

Erik Finman: “Seems Like The Whole World Is Interested In What’s Happening on Capitol Hill Regarding Cryptocurrency.”


Yesterday, Erik Finman spoke in Congress to brief to the officials on Bitcoin and its implications for America. He noted that the audience is positive about cryptocurrencies and is ready to engage in dialogue.

The young millionaire also talked turkey to reporters outside the congressional briefing. He concluded that the whole world was interested in the events in Washington.

Seems like the whole world is interested in what’s happening on capitol hill regarding cryptocurrency, wrote on Twitter.

It looks like Finman effect the desired result he has been expecting from congressmen. It is only necessary to wait with what actions the authorities will respond to his statements.

Why Do Officials To Defer to Finman’s Judgement

Erik Finman resembles some extent us of Elon Musk. He is very clever and at the same time knows the ways to implement ideas. One of his main hobbies is cryptocurrencies. Erik Finman is one of the youngest Bitcoin millionaires in the world and he likes to flaunt his life. Instagram account of the teen includes a lot of pretentious shots taken on airplanes or a bed strewn with money.

As the young Bitcoin millionaire says that the main cryptocurrency needs to solve existing problems. Finman outlined that Bitcoin has four major problems. Among them are the complexity of use, high transaction fees, slow processing speed, and disagreement between development teams.

At the same time, Finman is positive about the future of blockchain technology. In January last year, he said that those who will invest in the blockchain and Bitcoin will soon be able to become millionaires. And people who did not listen to him will eat their heart out in 10 years:

If you’re not a billionaire’ in 10 years ‘it’s your own fault, says young millionaire.

Finman called several cryptocurrencies that will gain X in the future. Among them were Ethereum and ZCash and BCH. As for Bitcoin, Eric does not intend to refuse to store cryptocurrency in the future. In his opinion, cryptocurrency expects “at least one more major rally.” And then only will happen he thinks about the discharge of his coins.

In early summer, Finman has predicted Bitcoin would turn to its historical $ 20,000 maximum by the end of the year. According to him, this is possible thanks to the release of their cryptocurrency giants Facebook and AT&T.

2019 is the new 2017 for bitcoin and cryptocurrency, said Finman.

He noted that Bitcoin will continue to remain the most valuable cryptocurrency in the world if developers manage to realize lower commissions and fast transactions in the network, and conflicts within the community will stop.

Today, Finman focuses on something, in his opinion, is the most important issue that the Bitcoin community needs to work on: expanding acceptance and use cases. According to him, people involved in the field of cryptocurrency need to inform those who do not quite understand what it means. After all, Bitcoin is not just a means of enrichment, it must become something more.

To solve this problem, Erik Finman is ready not only to speak to the public and the authorities but also to create tools (for example, CoinBits service), which is the best way to global get adoption for Bitcoin.



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