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Kakao and Samsung ‘in Talks’ Over Blockchain Collaboration – Report

Kakao and Samsung ‘in Talks’ Over Blockchain Collaboration - Report 101
Source: iStock/KreangchaiRungfamai

Reports in South Korea claim that the Kakao Group may be holding discussions with Samsung about possible blockchain cooperation.

The mainnet of Kakao’s Ground X subsidiary Klaytn has recently gone live, and Kakao has now announced that it is working on a cryptocurrency wallet that will be able to manage Klaytn tokens “in conjunction with several wallet providers.”

Once the wallet is available, Kakao plans to make Klaytn blockchain applications (bapps) available on its own marketplace, rather than require users to download them via the Google Play Store.

However, Fn News quotes an unnamed developer working in some capacity with Ground X as stating, “Samsung is having discussions about updating its Samsung Blockchain Wallet to make it compatible with Klaytn Bapps.”

The Samsung Blockchain Wallet is a feature of the company’s latest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S10. Earlier this week, Samsung revealed it is looking to expand the range of dapps it makes available via the wallet.

Kakao says some 50 companies will be offering their bapps on its new marketplace and added that this would not be the only place where users could access Klaytn bapps, although the company stopped short of mentioning possible partners. The company stated, “The new marketplace will not only be available through Kakao. We are looking at ways to make it easier to download Bapps from other companies.”

The same media outlet states that Kakao refused to confirm or deny whether it was in talks with Samsung. Kakao has also remained tight-lipped on reports that it is considering adding a cryptocurrency wallet to its KakaoTalk chat app – which has over 50 million active users.

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