Cryptocurrency News

PumaPay Brings Dash Payments to Dozens of Porn Platforms

Various cryptocurrencies have attempted to make inroads in the adult entertainment industry. Few of them have effectively succeeded in doing so. Dash is the latest project to gain any real traction in this regard. PumaPay, one of the many payment service providers with ties to cryptocurrencies, has decided to enable this option. 

A Bold Move by PumaPay

It is always interesting to see how payment service providers look at the various cryptocurrencies on the market. This is especially true where privacy coins are concerned, as these tend to get a very bad reputation for no apparent reason. Even so, some of them tend to make positive headlines every now and then. Dash is the coin which is seemingly gaining more traction in the real world. 

Courtesy of PumaPay, the privacy coin can now be used across 36 adult entertainment websites. That list includes some big names such as Pornhub and Live Jasmine, among others. It is good to see cryptocurrency payments arrive on such platforms in 2019 and beyond. For all of these currencies, gaining more legitimate use cases is the number one priority. 

PumaPay’s Yoav Dror explains:

“We have 36 giants of the adult entertainment industry, including Pornhub, Gamma Entertainment and Live Jasmine, committed to adopt PumaPay’s unique PullPayment protocol. The move will expand their competitive offering and facilitate their access to the billions of cryptocurrencies worldwide. Our payment solution adds real value to companies in the adult industry which had become accustomed to high fees and chargebacks by delivering a cost-effective payment alternative while retaining familiar billing methods such as recurring payments and trial periods.”

On paper, it makes a lot of sense to use Dash in the adult entertainment industry. Most consumers looking to obtain a membership on these platforms do not want to leave a paper trail regarding payments. Cryptocurrencies make a lot of sense in that regard. Dash, which is private unlike Bitcoin, can make it even easier for users to mask their adult content preferences in this day and age. 

Particularly the recurring payment option provided by PumaPay is interesting to keep an eye on. That particular aspect is, by default, unavailable to all cryptocurrencies on the market. As such, it can make a very interesting tool for Dash, as it is one of the first times the currency will be subjected to recurring payments. Depending on how successful this integration may be, it could spell a bright future for Dash as a whole. 

For the adult entertainment industry, supporting cryptocurrencies can introduce a lot of new customers. Crypto holders have been looking for ways to spend their holdings on goods and services. Although plenty of adult content can be accessed free of charge, the subscription model hasn’t lost traction in the slightest. Introducing new and popular payment methods can be beneficial to all parties involved.

For the Dash team, this marks an important step toward further developing the business appeal of the currency. By onboarding new partners and gaining more traction as a payment method, things continue to look rather promising. Although there is still a lot of work to be done, this is an important step in the right direction. One can only hope other cryptocurrencies will receive a similar treatment in the coming months and years. 


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